Irena Karshenbaum
Irena's service to the community has been recognized:
Co-Recipient: 2014 Jewish Family Service Calgary Anna Steinberg Outstanding Immigrant Award
Co-Recipient: 2011 Jewish Family Service Calgary Rosslyn Steinberg Personal Initiative Award
Finalist: 2010 Calgary Stampede Western Legacy Awards (Innovation)
Recipient (Little Synagogue): City of Calgary 2010 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award (Advocacy & Awareness)
Recipient: 2010 Calgary Jewish Federation President’s Award
Receiving the Lion Award at a ceremony held on July 28, 2010. Pictured (l. to r.) The Little Synagogue on the Prairie Project Society Board Members: Shel Bercovich, Betti Weiss, Shauna Switzer, Trudy Cowan, Emanuel Cohen, Irena Karshenbaum, Jack Switzer and Leslie Levant. Published in Jewish Free Press on August 27, 2010. Board Members not in picture: Daryl S. Fridhandler, Dr. Ralph Gurevitch and Bobby Libin.